How old do I need to be to be at Kitsunekon without supervision?

You must be 17 or older to attend without supervision.

Where do I get 18+ Wristbands?

Wristbands will be handed out at registration when you receive your badge after proof of ID. Con Ops will also have wristbands if you did not get one in the registration line. 

Do you have a cosplay repair area?

Yes, we do! You can find it in our pre-judging area for masquerade! Hours will be posted in the future on the Cosplay Masquerade page in the future!

What are the cosplay/prop rules for Kitsune Kon?
  • Please check out our programming guidelines for full cosplay and prop rules.
What is Kitsune Kon’s Harassment Policy?
To help ensure our attendees’ happiness and a successful convention, KitsuneKon has established a code of conduct and behavior policy for all attendees/staff/guests (including on our social media and messaging platforms). We believe KitsuneKon should be a fun convention for everyone, regardless of gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, or other demographic. KitsuneKon cannot guarantee to any attendee that they will be free from any uninvited or unwanted behavior by another attendee.

If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed or have any other concerns, please contact a member of convention staff immediately or report the behavior in the Con-Ops/Security.

Harassment includes, but is not limited to:

  • Offensive verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, or other characteristic or demographic.
  • Deliberate intimidation.
  • Stalking.
  • Following.
  • Bathroom policing.
  • Harassing photography, recording, or social media communications regarding guests of the convention, KitsuneKon staff, or KitsuneKon.
  • Sustained disruption of talks or other events.
  • Inappropriate or unwelcome physical contact (this includes “glomping”).
  • Unwelcome sexual attention.
  • Continued contact, conversation, photography, videography, or other attention after an individual has asked you to stop or leave them alone.
  • The display or distribution of sexually related materials to individuals under the age of 18 (which is expressly prohibited and illegal).
  • Other actions as determined by Kitsune Kon and its agents on a case-by-case basis.

All decisions regarding whether a particular action is to be deemed harassment shall be made solely by Kitsune Kon and its authorized agents. Individuals asked to stop any prohibited behaviors are expected to comply immediately, regardless of whether an attendee or convention staff makes the request.

If a participant engages in harassing behavior, the convention organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, including expelling the offender from the convention without refund and refusing to sell the offender a membership badge for any or all future conventions. KitsuneKon also reserves the right to notify site security or local law enforcement of any unacceptable and/or illegal behavior. KitsuneKon does not assume any responsibility for the actions of its participants or vendors.

When making a report, please be aware that Kitsune Kon is a convention with several thousand attendees and convention staff may need assistance identifying the offender. Providing a clear physical description (approximate height, weight, clothing or cosplay, etc.), identifying features, and/or badge information will assist us greatly.

If you feel that you have been harassed in violation of the law, Conn Ops or Safety can assist you in contacting local law enforcement on your request. The safety and security of all attendees, staff and guests at KitsuneKon are our top priorities.

Does Kitsune Kon provide a bag or coat check?

Currently, we will have Pop Up Lockers around our event for our attendees’ convenience at a reasonable price.

Sign up here: Pop Up Lockers Reservation for Kitsune Kon (

What are the Autograph Policies?

For 2025: There will be no free autographs or selfies unless it is at the request of a guest. It will be noted under each guest page what the pricing is along with anything that may be different than this policy.

Autograph signatures are limited to four items total. 

No unofficial merchandise.

Any prints on the autograph tables are not free unless otherwise disclosed by the guest. Guests will have individual pricing for each print available during the autograph session.

Video and voice recording charges will be left to the guest’s discretion.

Upon meeting the guest, please be mindful and respectful of the line so everyone has a fair opportunity. We don’t want to rush everyone through, however we do want to keep the line moving.

 Lines will start no earlier than 30 minutes prior to an autograph session.


Room Clears

 We will conduct room clears before and after every autograph session.

How are guests chosen?

We have different themes each con year and 2023’s theme is Gaming. We choose the guests not only based on the theme but also on the amount of suggestions for each guest. 

We do not select guests on fox related themes, only on the theme of the particular year.

How can I submit a guest suggestion?
Any suggestions can go through our guest relations team and you can email them at

We make a post on our social media platforms each year in the 4th quarter for fans of your favorite guests to cheer for. We always recommend commenting who you’d like to see at our event*.

Guests suggested must be able to follow our guidelines and directives and capability of that is determined by our event.


Am I allowed to give guests gifts (Example: Drawings or Pop Figures)?
You may give them a gift however please do so during your turn in the autograph session. 

Do not gift them food since the guest may be allergic. 

Do not expect gifts in return. 

Why can’t you get a particular guest?
As much as we love to have guests, sometimes it just boils down to communication between the agent or the guest. Sometimes it’s a scheduling conflict or personal reasons that the guest can’t attend. Much of this does come down to cost and we do try to accommodate guest suggestions to the best of our abilities. Our guests must all be capable of following our guidelines and polices.
Can I reach out on the cons behalf for a guest?

You can tell the guest that you’d like to see them at our con however do not invite the guest. The best way to ensure that a guest will be invited is to email the guest relations team. We do look over every single suggestion made.  We make a post on our social media platforms each year in the 4th quarter for fans of your favorite guests to cheer for. We always recommend commenting who you’d like to see at our event*.

Guests suggested must be able to follow our guidelines and directives and capability of that is determined by our event.

This also includes cosplay guests; do not reach out to our current cosplay guests to attempt to create a contract for our event. 

Where do I enter for the cosplay contest and where can I find more information on the rules and guidelines?
Applications for the cosplay contest is available under the programming tab and the Cosplay Masquerade section.
What types of badges does Kitsune Kon offer?

3 day Full Weekend Badges: Weekend badges allow you entrance into Kitsunekon. They provide you access to any area that requires a badge.

Premium Badges:  Premium Badges are upgraded Weekend Badge with unique artwork that you pick the theme of. Each year we offer several theme choices for the artwork on the badge and you get to pick it with this badge.
With each Premium Badge you get 1 hour early into the Vendor and artist hall each day and a special enamel pin available only with the Premium Badge. 
This badge is only available for purchase during pre-registration and in limited quantities and will not be available at the door.
Childrens Badges: Kitsunekon offers two different tiers of children badges that is a full weekend badge (No individual day child badges are sold as child badges are sold for significantly less than adult badges) and a child badge allows for full weekend access with the exemption of age gated content. (ie: no 18+ panels kiddos)
Hospitality & Handler Badges:

Hospitality badges are here for those with concerns in mobility/wheelchair access. – A handler badge is not required with this type of badge.

Handler badges allow a person to accompany the person who may need assistance with their mobility. This badge may only be used when accompanying a person with a hospitality badge. (example: you both enter the vendors hall, but the handler needs to leave, they will not be able to re-enter without the person with the hospitality badge)

Both badges allow access for the entire weekend, front of the line access and front row seating into all panels, autograph sessions, and one hour early into the Vendor/Artist hall.

How much do badges cost:

Pre-Registration Tier 1 – Ends 12/31/23 Tier 2 – Ends 3/31/24 Tier 3 – Ends 6/30/24
Child (Age 0-12) Free Free Free
Full Weekend (Age 13+)
$35.00 + fees $40.00 + fees $45.00 + fees
Full Weekend with Premium Perks $40.00 + fees $45.00 + fees 50.00 + fees

*Premium Full Weekend are a limited quantity and may run out prior to 11:59pm 6/2/2024  and cannot be purchased at event

One day badges are only available at our physical event.

Badge Type Cost Badge Type Cost
Child ( Age 0-12) Free Friday TBD
Full Weekend (Age 13+) $55.00 Saturday TBD
Hospitality* $55.00 Sunday TBD
Handler* TBD

*Hospitality and Handler badges are only available for purchase at the door. If you pre-registered and need a Hospitality badge please let them know at badge pick up. If you purchased a premium and need to switch you will still receive the pin.

What do I need to pick up my Badge?

You must bring a valid form of identification (ID) in order to receive your badge. Acceptable forms of ID include government-issued ID (Driver’s License, Military ID, Government ID, etc), School ID’s, For all attendees 15 and under who are accompanied by an adult, the adult may present their ID. Expired ID is not accepted for badge pick up or for use for age gated content such as 18+panels.

We do recommend creating a Child Emergency ID Card. In the case of separation this card provides information that will help reunite you with your child. You can fill this out and print it off at home. 

You may not pick up badges for a friend. You can only pick up your own at the time of registration.

When can I get my badge and can I get it mailed to me?

At con registration hours:

Thursday: Preregistration Only 4:30pm-9:00pm (No badges will be sold during this time)

Friday: 9:00am-9:00pm

Saturday: 9:00am-7:00pm

Sunday: 9:00am-1:00pm

At this time, we do not offer mailing for badges! All badges must be picked up at event by the person listed on the badge identifying information.

How can I confirm I registered?

If you pre register via our website, you’ll receive a receipt through Eventbrite of your purchase. If you pre register with us at one of our roadshows, please let us know that you’d like a receipt by emailing Information on which years you have purchased a badge or if your badge was rolled over during the pandemic is also available on your Eventbright account.

What if I need a refund or have other questions about my badge?
You can email our head of registration at for any registration questions. As per our policy, we do not refund or do transfers on badges.
Will Thursday full weekend badge sales happen again in the future?

We are still deciding. Stay tuned for announcements concerning it in the future!

If someone is uninvited or banned from Kitsunekon, is it temporary or permanent?
It is permanent and applies on all levels during the present and future years. For example, if a guest/staffer/vendor/artist/attendee/etc. is uninvited or banned from our event, they may not register to be a vendor/artist/attendee/staff/guest etc in the current or future year.
How can I volunteer and what are the perks?
You must be 16 years old to volunteer and more information on the perks and guidelines are available under our Volunteering tab
What's the difference between staff and volunteer?

Volunteers and staff differ on commitment. Staff are representatives of the event and are held to a different standard with pre-convention obligations and application. Neither are monetarily paid positions and are exchanging time and service in exchange for perks and benefits of different kinds.  More information on what both requirements and perks are of each can be found in our volunteering tab.

Does Kitsunekon have bag size restrictions?

No. Our only requirement that bag placement and use does not: block traffic, harm anyone, or impede the function of the event. The only place we prohibit bags outside of medical accommodations is during our amplifier dance.

Why doesn't the event have mailing lists for updates and applications?

We currently don’t have the manpower to do such and all the information is available both here on the website and postings across our two social media platforms: Facebook and Instagram! Our event and its department’s reputation advertises itself!

What social media platform and groups do you have?

Here’s a link to our Facebook page!


Here is our Instagram page!


We have an unofficial group on Facebook as well!



What if I have questions for the con itself?
You can email our email and we’ll be more than happy to inquire about any questions you may have.
Covid Guidelines/precautions

Updated Guidelines



In accordance to CDC recommendations and after a long discussion with our board and staff who have medical experience, we have decided to change our guidelines this year. We are continuing our pro-science position and continue to enforce such within our event and platforms. We reserve the right to remove misinformation and anti-science from our platforms and event; repeat offenders will be removed with possible revoking of current year invitation and possible future permanent ban from event on a case-by-case basis.


We want to preface that our event is still going to be upholding our zero tolerance bullying and harassment guidelines (which also includes staff or the event as a whole). Due to the shift in guidelines, this will be even more strictly enforced than previous years. Any harassment and bullying will result in immediately ejection from the event upon investigation with a possible permanent blacklist from attending future events in any capacity. We understand that people may disagree with our decision or the decisions of others at the event, but harassment and bullying has no home with us.




We will NOT be requiring testing or vaccination records. Masking will be optional. We highly encourage testing prior to our event but it is not mandated to attend. We do have contingencies listed below for the different situations we can foresee. If you have any questions about specific cases or need clarification, please feel free to contact us at  


  • What if I end up testing positive for COVID-19 or any other contagious sicknesses: within a few weeks of the event/just before/at event?

    • Anyone who does test positive for COVID-19 or is sick may contact our registration ( for a rollover to the next year prior to badge pick up or event start. As per our policy, we are not offering refunds or transfers, only rollovers to the next year.

    • We highly recommend any self-checks via a medical professional/at home tests/other tests relating to any contagious sicknesses/etc if you are worried about being sick prior to the event. Once you pick up your badge, we cannot roll over your badge to the next year. We also recommend masking up if you start to feel under the weather as a precaution if you are at event/before if you are unsure. 

      • Any medical test/medical professional/ mask needs are the personal financial responsibilty of the attendee/staff/guests/contracted group/etc.

  • I don’t feel comfortable coming to the event this year if masks are optional, what are my options?

    • We absolutely understand and you may contact registration ( to have a rollover to the next year. As per our policy, we are not offering refunds or transfers.

  • What do I do if someone is bullying or making inappropriate comments to/at me?

    • Our staff members wear shirts indicating staff or safety for easy recognition. Please bring it to our attention so we can handle it as we do not allow for bullying or harassment at our event. It helps for us to have a description of the person in question so we can investigate and proceed appropriately on a case-by-case basis.

    • Under these guidelines, antagonizing others under this guidelines (coughing, sneezing, spitting, etc. in people’s faces pretending or weaponizing possible sickness, etc) is considered harassment under our guidelines and will result in removal from our event with possible future disinvitation including possible other ramifications on a case-by-case basis.

  • If I want to mask, will Kitsunekon provide masks?

    • We highly recommend attendees bring multiple masks just in case as we will have a limited quantity of masks available but once we run out, we will no longer be providing masks. 

  • Will there be an online event?

    • No, we will only be doing our physical event. There will not be an online event.