Panel Programming
Please review our convention and harassment policies that are located under our FAQ.
Panel Submissions and Guidelines
Panel submission application will open January 26th, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. CST! Applications close April 13th, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. CST!
New for 2025! We will have 18+ Wristbands available at registration and at Con Ops. If you received your badge and didn’t get a wristband, go to Con Ops. Please have your ID on hand.
Unless other arrangements are made in advance, panels are limited to 50 minutes (or 1 hour, 50 minutes for a two-hour block). This is to ensure there is time to set up between panels and allow people to filter in and out of the room. Kitsune Kon may shorten a two-hour block submission to one hour for scheduling reasons.
This is your chance to be creative and formulate your own panel: you are responsible for running the panel, finding panelists and creating your own content. Kitsune Kon will provide projectors with two microphones, a mixer, and an HDMI connection for panelists. We will attempt to provide any additional equipment requested, but this cannot be guaranteed. Please plan for this.
In submitting this panel, all panelists acknowledge acceptance of all COVID-19 safety requirements Kitsune Kon, the venue, or state/local government will have in place during the convention, including vaccination, masking, or social distancing requirements. If masking is required, panelists may remove their masks while hosting their panel. Please contact with any questions.
Due to the expected volume of submissions, Kitsune Kon cannot guarantee acceptance of your panel. Factors we consider include: relevance and appeal to the Kitsune Kon audience, appropriateness, uniqueness, schedule availability, and the degree of detail presented in the panel outline.
Panels should, but are not required to, reflect an aspect of Anime culture or related subcultures.
In-character roleplay panels are discouraged. Only submissions with exceptionally unique and well outlined formats will be considered.
Panels involving performances (concerts, dance shows, comedy acts, etc.) should include a link to a video reference in the panel outline. If an online reference is not available, please email one to
Panels marked “18+” indicates the panel contains content inappropriate for congoers under the age of 18. It will be scheduled for late night unless prior arrangements are made. Congoers under 18 will not be permitted to attend.
Kitsune Kon reserves the right to reject any panel submission based on subject or content that may be seen as inappropriate, irrelevant, or unprepared
If you fill out the panel submission application, you understand that it is the responsibility of the person who filled it out (and any co-host or collaborators) , to fully run and provide content for the panel. Kitsune Kon does not: fill panels, provide staff for running or filling out panels, or run panels with applicants as consultants/ audience members.
How do Panelists Badges work?
If you are accepted for 1-2 panels you will be able to purchase a badge at $27.50 – half off the at the door price, and lower than our lowest tier.
If you are accepted for 3 or more panels you will be able to register for a free badge that year.
If you purchased your badge prior to panel acceptance you will be able to claim your refund at registration on Sunday between 2pm-5pm.
Refunds will not be granted after that time.
There is a maximum of 3 panelists per panel eligible for a panelist badge.
If you are volunteering for Kitsune Kon, your panel can count towards your volunteer hours! Please email for more information.